Local News

Gov’t likely to shorten WPA term

BY BEN BILUA MOST provincial members in the current house were ambitious to see the house extended, however, the government has other plans. A well-placed source says the government is intending to shorten the life of the current provincial assembly…

Illegal drugs and alcohol campaign launch

BY NED GAGAHE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is mounting a special operation to clump-down illegal drugs in Honiara city. Certain hotspots areas have been targeted and police will move in swiftly to arrest or perform raid on those…


Police urge Honiara commuters to be ‘vigliant’ BY NED GAGAHE Police have warned city residents to be cautious when roaming the streets of Honiara following the escalation of pick-pocketing. Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Assistant Commissioner (AC) National Operation…

Influenza H1 increasing

BY MAVIS N PODOKOLO INFLUENZA H1 a flu like illness is reportedly increasing in Honiara and other parts of the country. This was confirmed by the Secretary of Prime Minister Dr Jimmie Rodgers on behalf of the Ministry pf Health…


With only 1 emergency exit stairs and a faulty elevator, tenants are calling on NPF to fix the crumbling high-rise building BY NED GAGAHE Safety of tenants occupying the Anthony Saru Building is at stake following slow progress by Solomon…

LMU commences screening of applicants

BY NED GAGAHE Screening process for the Labour Mobility Unit (LMU) has kicked off at the St Barnabas Cathedral with the first batch of 151 applicants attended yesterday. The programme commenced at 8am where the applicants have face-to-face interviews and…