
Police re-armament turns a year-old

BY JENNIFER KUSAPA POLICE Commissioner Mathew Varley is proud of the performance and progress of the re-armament programme as it turned a year-old on May 8. Mr Varley said May 8 actually marks the first anniversary of the police rearmament…

Police arrest 2 females for brewing kwaso

OFFICERS of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force have arrested two female suspects for illegal brewing of kwaso at the Crusher are in White River, West Honiara on Wednesday this week (May 9). A 35-year-old and a 28-year-old female were…

KGVI students cry once more

BY LORETTA BRIGIDIA MANELE STUDENTS of national secondary school, King George Sixth have expressed dismay over their administration’s leadership. According to a report received by the paper, teachers are alleged of turning up to classes drunk, mistreating students, lying to…

No PPC at Tigoa police station

BY BARNABAS MANEBONA LOCALS in Rennell and Bellona capital Tigoa are raising concerns that there is no PPC looking after the police station there. Speaking to Island Sun in anonymity, three prominent figures in Tigoa community say Renbel’s provincial police…