
Sick cows risk

MAL orders cattle from farm with TB-outbreak history BY BARNABAS MANEBONA A cattle farm in Fiji the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) orders cattle from has a history of cattle tuberculosis (TB) outbreaks, it is reported. Interestingly, MAL’s Livestock…

New office bearers for PEJN

THE Pacific Environment Journalist Network (PEJN) has elected its new office bearers who will take the network forward in the next two years. Former Fiijian Journalist and now Tongan media consultant Iliesa Tora has been unanimously elected to the position…

Locals urged against processed foods

BY BARNABAS MANEBONA RAPID change in eating habits and lifestyle is believed to be a contributing factor to the rise of non-communicable diseases experienced at Northwest Choiseul. Mr Nerio Ulemiki, the media coordinator for Christ the King Parish at Voruvoru,…