Guangzhou flight today

BY MAVIS N PODOKOLO THE Guangzhou charter flight to bring in workers to work at the Mamara Tasifarongo development housing project will arrive today. Dr Jimmie Rodgers, secretary to the prime minister confirmed this yesterday during the second radio talkback…

All clear

BY MAVIS N PODOKOLO THIRTY-ONE swabs collected in the contact tracing to the latest covid-19 scare have all tested negative. The samples are from the student’s village in Malaita of people with whom he had interacted following his return there…

Jungle rule

By EDDIE OSIFELO A LOGGER has questioned the connection between President of the Solomon Forest Association (SFA) Jonny Sy and certain key and influential players in the Government. Managing director of Orion Limited, Chan Chee Min raised the issue after…

What has become of Rove seafront?

WHERE is the Honiara City Council? And what are they doing about illegal developments in Honiara? In March last year, the council demolished a retention wall at the Rove seafront that was built at the mouth of the stream that…

Integrity in development vital: Suidani

BY BEN BILUA PREMIER of Malaita Province says integrity is an important virtue that should be considered in any development. Speaking at the launch of World Vision– USAID $8million project for Community Disaster Resilience on Tuesday, Premier Daniel Suidani said…