July 2021

SI sets to graduate from LDC by 2024

SOLOMON Islands is scheduled to graduate from the category of Least Developed Country (LDC) by 2024. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare highlighted during his 43rd Independence Address on Wednesday this week. The Prime Minister said while LDC graduation has potential benefits…


Man running from police mows down crowd killing 5 BY JARED KOLI Five people are dead and three others injured after they were run over by a person being chased by police at the old Tenaru bridge, east of Honiara.…

Gizo celebrates Independence Day

BY BEN BILUA GIZO GIZO residents took time out to celebrate the country’s 43rd Independence Day on Wednesday at the John F Kennedy stadium. The event was organised by a newly established church association which represents all denominations in Gizo…

Best wishes from Israel

ISRAEL’S recently elected Prime Minister Naftali Benet and Foreign Affairs minister Yair Lapid yesterday sent their best wishes as the country marked its 43rd independence anniversary. “We, in Israel, wish and pray for the prosperity, resilience and success of all…

Why the delay, police?

BY JENNIFER KUSAPA MEMBERS of the public are raising concern over the delay of police investigation into the missing one-link 300k exhibition money. A resident George Lei said he supports call made by Transparency Solomon Islands for police to speed…