
Local chief praises Traditional Customary Bill

BY LORETTA BRIGIDIA MANELE A concerned citizen has voiced that the Traditional Customary Bill, if passed in the next parliament sitting will give chiefs more power and benefit resource owners. Mr Henry Kahui from East Are’Are, Malaita province, said being…

Shortage of solicitors in Malaita questioned

BY SAMIE WAIKORI Auki THE ministry of justice and legal affairs and the public solicitors office are being questioned why there is a shortage of solicitors in Malaita province. A person, who requests anonymity, said currently Malaita is being serviced…

LPA congratulates Premier Qoloni

BY LORETTA BRIGIDIA MANELE Lauru People’s Association (LPA) President, Ms Nanette Tutua on behalf of the LPA executive and members congratulates Watson Qoloni for recently being elected as Premier of Choiseul province. In a media statement, the association also encourages…