Malaita health authorities refute Kilu’ufi quarantine article



AUTHORITIES in Auki have refuted publication about a Priest undergoing quarantine in his home at Auki after returning from Ongtong Java on the MV Awka.

The story which Island Sun run on Thursday night was relayed to the paper by a senior medical staff at the Kilu’ufi Hospital in Auki.

According to the staff, the parish priest of the Dukwasi Anglican parish arrived in Honiara aboard the boat (Awka), he then travelled to Auki on the Pelican Express. Upon hearing of the COVID-19 transmission news, he contacted authorities and was asked to self-isolate at home.

But the story was refuted by a number of sources, including the Chairman of the Malaita Provincial Emergency Operation Centre for Covid-19 at the Kilu’ufi hospital, Dr Rex Maukera.

“These allegations are not true,” Dr Maukera explained.

Members of the Dukwasi parishioners also refuted the claims, adding that the priest and his family are undergoing quarantine at the Lord Howe settlement in Honiara.

But Dr Maukera said the Emergency Operation Centre is conducting follow-ups on those who boarded the ship from Ontong Java to Honiara and then on to Malaita province.

“The EOC is following-up on those who boarded Akwa to Honiara and came over to Malaita province.

“At the moment we are doing follow-up and will identify people then we will begin contact tracing,” Dr Maukera said.

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