Elected Member for everyone: Sammy

Solomon Sammy, a chief from the Kovala tribe and a candidate for the Ranogga/Simbo Constituency, wants to make something clear: the constituency is for everyone, not just the people who voted for the winning candidate.

After the official results were announced recently, there were some rumors and confusion about who the constituency is supposed to serve. But Chief Sammy wants to set the record straight. He’s not just a chief; he’s also a meteorologist who works for the government. Even though he ran for office in the past and didn’t win, he still cares deeply about his community.

“The Member of Parliament for Ranogga/Simbo represents all of us, not just the ones who voted for him,” Chief Sammy explained. “We need to work together to support our MP, whether we voted for him or not. It’s not about winning or losing; it’s about helping our community.”

Another community leader, Mr. Abel Alekolo, is also speaking up. He’s urging the people who supported the winning MP, Wayne Osopo Ghemu, to take charge of the development projects and needs in the community. “You have the power to make a difference,” he reminded them.

And despite the challenges, the supporters of the newly elected MP are already celebrating their victory. They’re coming together to congratulate each other and to look forward to a brighter future for Ranogga/Simbo.


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