January 2018

HCC to register 30 buses for Honiara

BY MAVIS NISHIMURA PODOKOLO Honiara City Council (HCC) will register only 30 buses to service the capital. This is the Honiara City Mayor Hon Andrew Mua’s response to the massive turn out of bus owners, drivers and conductors in protest…

Helena Goldie hospital makes drastic move

BY ALICE NANTARA HELENA Goldie Hospital (HGH) has taken a bold step in the hope of securing its future. This was confirmed through posters pinned up in shop fronts and the hospital’s notice board declaring newly implemented fee charges vital…

Renbel PPC was given permission to leave: RSIPF

BY BARNABAS MANEBONA RENBEL provincial police commander (PPC) Inspector Aloysius Manegaua was given permission to leave Tingoa Police Station before the New Year (2018) to visit his sick mother who has since passed away. This was clarified by the Royal…

Public urged to pay correct bus fare

BY MAVIS NISHIMURA PODOKOLO A concerned bus owner has urged public to comply with legal bus fare charges. He said bus fare has become an issue faced every day for bus drivers and conductors when running bus service in the…