Local contractors warned


Member for ward 16 in Western Province has cautioned the new provincial government not to allocate projects to failed contractors.

Speaking in Assembly last week, Jeffrey Wickham said there are lots of failed provincial projects because contractors were either fake or incapable of implementing projects.

He said the issue behind the fail project is not due to shortage of funding but contractors lack of transparency and accountability.

“I made this comment because I know. When I was the provincial secretary I came across lots of incomplete provincial projects.

“Reports I received were similar. Similar in the sense that most of the contractors were not doing a good job.

“This must be changed. Again, this must be changed because if we continue to exercise such practice, we are wasting the province’s financial resources,” Wickham said.

He said there are good contractors with good reputations where the provincial government can utilize.

Wickham said it is time to critically look into which contractor can deliver best outcome for Western Province.

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