Call to develop national Cybercrime policy and legislation


DIRECTOR of Public Prosecution, Andrew Kelesi, delivered a compelling message during the Prosecutors Conference, shedding light on a pressing concern: the Solomon Islands’ lack of legislation to combat the escalating threat of cybercrimes in today’s digital era.

Kelesi highlighted the impact of the absence of legislation, emphasizing its detrimental effect on the effective prosecution of cybercriminals. In the ever-evolving landscape of socio-economic development, cybercrime has emerged as a pervasive challenge, infiltrating both personal and business spheres.

DPP stressed the need for specific cybercrime legislation, aligning it with international standards such as the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, and also the importance of collaboration with international partners and strengthening bilateral agreements to establish a robust legal framework.

As the Solomon Islands expands its access to broadband and satellite internet, the nation becomes increasingly interconnected and vulnerable to a spectrum of cyber threats. Kelesi emphasized the parallel need to bolster human resources capacity, enhancing knowledge to protect the population from cyber threats.

Kelesi acknowledged a widespread lack of understanding among the public regarding cybercrimes.

“We must invest in educational initiatives and awareness campaigns. Knowledge is power, and an informed populace is the first line of defence against cybercrime

“We must identify and implement best practices in investigating cybercrime offences, establish mechanisms for international cooperation, and streamline the process of accessing information from social media providers. Clear guidelines for the prosecution of cybercrime offences and a dedicated cybercrime prosecution policy are crucial to ensuring consistency and fairness in legal proceedings. In the next two days, we will hear from International experts with a collective wealth of knowledge, experience, and determination who will talk about their experiences and challenges they faced in dealing with cybercrime”, DPP said.

He also would also welcome to the International expert presenters, whose knowledge and expertise are the guiding lights that their participations in the next two days will enriches our conference, promising enlightening discussions and invaluable insights that will shape our understanding of the intricate landscape of cybercrime.

Therefore, he called on the Prosecutors participated in the two days conference not there as mere spectators but eager learners actively seeking solutions to bridge knowledge and legislative gaps related to cybercrime in the Solomon Islands.

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