Regional participants complete Human Rights Defender workshop


Nadi, Fiji

OFFICIALS from 12 countries in the Pacific Islands including Australia and Hawaii have completed a three days workshop on Environmental Human Rights Defenders.

The workshop focuses on Regional Capacity For Pacific Environmental Human Rights Defenders.

The purpose of the workshop was to equip participants with relevant information and understanding of the role of Environmental Human Rights Defenders as well as the process in which citizens with the help of Environmental Defenders file complaints to the United Nations Council on issues that threaten human rights.

Topics covered during the workshop include; special procedures of the Human Rights Council, Communication Procedures, Human Rights Defender, and the situation of Environmental Human Rights Defenders in the Pacific.

Participants were also introduced to examples of Communication and Cases of Environmental Human Rights Violations.

Cases include the Frieda River Project and the potential adverse impact on the Human Rights of the Sepik People in Papua New Guinea.

Coordinator of Project Sepik, Emmanuel Peni shared his People’s struggles to serve the Sepik River from Chinese miners.

The training will see participants help communities and people of their respective countries with unjust decisions that would lead to violation of the Right to a Safe, Clean, and Healthy Environment.


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