New PPC for Malaita



MALAITA Provincial Police will have a new commander, he is Lesley Kili, from the Baegu region on north east Malaita.

Currently, Kili is in Auki commanding the joint Honiara police operation and will take office within the next two weeks.

He told the local media yesterday that his contract is effective as of 7th January 2022, and after the current operation in Auki he will go back to Honiara, settle some family matters before coming back to Auki.

“I’m happy to come back and be a police commander and serve my people as a man from Malaita.

“My posting is already effective and my aim is to interact with the people and communities in the province.

“I’m not a kind of person who will sit-down in the office all the time, but a person who will get out to the people where they are and work with them.

“As a leader, this is what I have to do for my people and I’m looking forward for cooperation from the people and communities in the province,” Kili said.

He also announced that the provincial police will have a new Operation Manager, he is Chris Laegalia from Fiu on West Kwara’ae.  

Kili said both are Malaitans and they will be here to lead and support policing work in partnership with the people for the good of the province.

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