Malaita health workers still waiting for covid allowance


Direct staff under the Malaita provincial government and provincial health authority at Kilu’ufi hospital are still waiting for their covid-19 allowance.

These allowances date back to last year, and the workers are questioning authorities when they will be paid.

They are pleading for authorities to stop giving false reassurances and promises to settle them.

The workers convened a meeting yesterday to follow up on a letter submitted to the director of Malaita’s Health last year.

Outcomes for the meeting will be made known today.

Concerns noted in the letter submitted last year are:

“We all know the situation encountered during the covid-19 lockdown and we also well understand the formal arrangement done with us Director Workers to assist Provincial Health covid-19 operation team at the high-risk zones.

“We wanted to stress important point of concern in which all of us should fully aware of, that we all did the same job and for same purpose helping our citizens in the fight against covid-19.

“We also faced challenges when working under pressure from our divisional heads and makes it worse we had some sleepless nights and very tiring moments.

“By far, we now know that all provincial health officers (seconded staffs) served during the height of covid-19 (SOE) had received their due allowance.

“This raised question for clarification from your office as head, chair of PEOC and member to the PDOC.

“We heard rumors and received information which are likely to be untrue with promises of fortnights after fortnights making false expectations and hope within ourselves which raised anger and frustration to us.

“With all due respect, we have felt been misled and such if continue is of inhuman cause of action that immediately needs attention,” it reads.

According to one of their leaders, its 2023 and they don’t think there is still budget for covid-19 that even slim their hope to get their allowances.

Even then, he said they will exhaust all resources available in pursue of their claim ensure it addresses accordingly.

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