Foreign Affairs await Aussie police report


Foreign Affairs is waiting for a report from the Australian police regarding two citizens involved in a stabbing incident on Sunday.

The ministry says it would make an announcement when they receive the report.

Initial social media reports claimed one of the men, who was believed to be under the influence of alcohol, stabbed the other.

This resulted in the arrival of an ambulance and police intervention.

Permanent Secretary, Collin Beck told media in a press conference yesterday that the matter is before the police of Australia.

“As soon as Australia police deal with it, more less ministry will make pronouncement,” he said.

Beck said certainly they do have strict rules to try and promote number of Labour Mobility in Australia.

“We work on the brand of commitment.

“We see number of workers growing, when go under 2000, we have one or two do ways outside of accepted practice,” he said.

On the other hand, the Labour Mobility Scheme has made a lot of impact on Solomon Islanders.

Beck said for seasonal labour, it is $116 (AUD$20) per hour and $145 (AUD$25) per hour for semi-skilled workers.

He said this really makes it more attractive for a lot of workers.

Beck said on average, one Solomon Islander can return with $50,000 to the country after all the deductions.

Furthermore, Beck said two more flights are expected to leave for Australia in the next two months that will increase the number to more than 2000 workers.

He said currently, there are 7000 to 8000 applications before the Labour Mobility Office to deal with.

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