Covid-19 awareness in Malaita continues



CHAIRMAN of EOC Malaita, Dr Rex Maukera said the province’s awareness programme about covid-19 is continuing.

Recently, communities in Central Kwara’ae requested continued updates to the current covid-19 situation.

Maukera told this paper yesterday the Provincial Risk Community and Red Cross teams are ready and have been providing covid-19 awareness to communities in the past weeks.

“Awareness program is an integral part of the current covid-19 operation to reach out to communities and inform them about covid-19 or the current situation.

“Sometimes we received invitation for awareness from communities and responded while we also provide awareness to communities with high covid-19 cases.

“The awareness programme is important to empower people to understand what to do amidst the current situation,” Maukera said.

On that note, he thanked Malaita Red Cross team in partnership with the provincial health for covid-19 awareness program they continue to provide to the communities.

Maukera said at the moment the focus of the awareness program is for central region, and they are planning to reach to other regions with the program.

He said although they face setbacks like logistic, they are planning get across to communities with the covid-19 awareness program.

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