Court concern about items seized by police


THE court has raised concerns on how law enforcement officers are dealing with the issue of confiscated items and goods belonging to people arrested for illegal hawking at public places.

Principal Magistrate Felix Hollison made the comments in court yesterday when sentencing a vendor guilty for hawking in public without a licence.

Following a guilty plea by the woman on the charge of hawking without a licence, the Magistrate discharged the accused without conviction, due to no exhibit being presented to court to support the charges.

He said how the HCC law enforcement officers dealt with illegal hawking cases are quite concerning as there were no exhibit presented in court.

He told the HCC prosecutor that any cases of such must provide exhibits to the court for proof.

The accused Rose Geli of Malaita pleaded guilty in court for selling betelnut fruits, fruit leaves and roll cigarettes along the yacht club fence on July 19 2021.

She was arrested by HCC law enforcement officers and her items were all confiscated during her arrest.

None of those items were produced when the case was called before court, and the presiding magistrate Hollison discharged the victim without conviction.

Hollison also told the woman not to involve in such activities as there are lawful ways to sell their produce and earn money.

He told the woman to always abide by the law.

“Sell your items or goods at the proper place and not along the streets of Honiara,” Hollison warned the woman.

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