$990k misused in Malaita: MPG



The Malaita government has alleged some provincial members (MPAs) had misused their allocation of a $990,000 funding from the national government in August.

This fund was given for the purpose of celebrating the Malaita Second Appointed Day this year.

The MPAs of Malaita were each given $33,000 to host their own celebrations in their wards.

MPG MPA for East Baegu ward 11, Elizah Asilaua when contributing to a resolution on the MPG-Jiangsu sister-relationship on the floor of the full assembly, said some MPAs did not stage any celebration in their wards.

He said during the province’s 2nd Appointed Day in August this year, MPG requested national government for $990,000 to celebrate Malaita Day.

Asilaua said the budget was shared equally among the 33 MPAs of the province with each provincial leader received $33,000.

He said MPG’s intention to hold celebrations in the ward level was for MPAs to go back to their people and discuss with them changes brought about by the new government and its redirection policy and the Malaita/Jiangsu MOU.

Asilaua added that ward celebrations was also to tell people that changes are continuing to happen in the province within the 11th hour.

Asilaua said unfortunately some MPAs did host any celebrations at their ward.

He stressed that such practice is uncalled for and must not be entertained.

Asilaua explained that because of this, the MPG is reluctant to ask the national government for funds to sponsor a province-wide consultation on the sister relations with Chinese province Jiangsu.

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