11 take step of baptism

ELEVEN members of the recently established Naha Height Fellowship Group were baptized in a solemn ceremony held last Sunday at their church venue.

Members of the fellowship group are adherents of the South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC).

SSEC leader and pastor Rev. Andrew Fanasia conducted the baptism service in the presence of fellowship members.

Those baptized are mostly young people who made the decision to accept Jesus into their lives and follow their Christ.

They include two women.

Fanasia reminded those that were baptized that their decision is a demonstration of their commitment to follow and serve God.

β€œIn the history of SSEC, its first baptized members went on to become its leaders,” Fanasia said.

β€œIt is my prayer that those of you who are baptized today will become leaders of this fellowship group,” he told the 11 baptised members.

Fellowship group leader Elton Osiagalo said the baptizing of 11 of its young members is the best thing to have happened within the group so far.

β€œWe thank God for the lives of these young people who have made that important decision to take that step of baptism as reaffirmation of their faith in Christ,” Osiagalo said.

While Naha Height Fellowship Group conducts weekly Sunday service and is opened to people from all denominations.

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