Vax for MOI begins July 23



The second dose of covid-19 vaccination for Ontong Java has been set for July 23.

Sikaiana is next after Ontong Java.

Malaita’s health director, Dr Rex Maukera confirms to Island Sun that the national ministry of Health has informed his office of this date.

“On July 23 a team comprising medical staff from Honiara and Auki will leave via patrol boat to Lord Howe and then Sikaiana in the Malaita Outer Islands.

“The team will first deploy to communities in Lord Howe for the second roll-out of the covid-19 vaccination programme and to Sikaiana for their first covid-19 vaccination programme,” he said.

Maukera said preparation is well underway for this visit to the Malaitan Polynesian outliers.

He calls on eligible 18-years-and-above people on both (Ontong Java and Sikaiana) to cooperate and avail themselves to be vaccinated.

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