Revenue drop for Auki market



Revenue collection in Auki Market has dropped significantly due to the pandemic.

Market Master, Mr James Hagi said yesterday the market continues to lose almost a thousand dollar daily in revenue collection compared to past years.

He said chief reason is the current covid-19 situation that also has great impact on the country’s economy.

“As experienced since this year, there was a drop in number of vendors at the market as the result of the current situation that continues to affect our revenue collection.

“Adding to that, there was also a drop of cash flow especially within the market that also contributed to the drop of number of vendors,” Hagi said.

He said another issue faced was sometimes vendors do not pay dues to the market.

Hagi said in such case the market management understands the current situation and considers that the market is not only to gain revenue, but also to provide service to people.

He said both service delivery revenue aspects of the market must weight equally so that ACM through MPG continues to provide services through the revenue for the province.

However, Hagi said the current situation is not only affecting the revenue collection of the market alone, but also the vendors.

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