HCC appeals for public and business houses to support implementation of plastic ban


HONIARA City Clerk Justus Denni is urging the public and business houses to support implementing ministry, the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) on the ban on single use of plastics in the country.

Mr. Denni said HCC has thrown its full support towards the initiative and pledge to work hand in hand with MECDM to ensure Solomon Islands is plastic free.

“It will be a long way for us to get rid of our rubbish within Honiara City.

“On our part we would like to ask business houses and people to respect and listen to government.

“And let us start not to use the plastics, I understand that enforcement commenced on the 1st of September 2023 but they are giving some grace period.   

“During this grace period let us think of alternatives to come up with and use

“We people to please change our attitude and behaviours when you go the market and shops try to bring your own bags. Let us all start this practise.

“We HCC are in support of this ban.” Mr. Denni said.

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