Communities in Small Malaita benefit from fish handling and preservation training


COMMUNITIES of Elliote and Siwapo in Small Malaita have benefited from a fish handling and preservation training held from August 20-21.

The training was conducted by Malaita provincial fisheries through Mekem Strong Solomon Islands Fisheries (MSSIF) and funded by World Vision Solomon Islands (WVIS).

Senior Malaita fisheries office, Mr Matthew Isihanua who facilitated the training said the training aimed to equip members of the communities with necessary skills and knowledge on fish processing.

He said this is by adding value to fish, which can then be sold as a finish product to support their small income generation in rural villages.

Isihanua said the training covered; fish handling and preservation, fish chilling, use of slurry at sea, fish quality identification, personal hygiene, fish fileting, packaging, value adding, food-borne illness and post-harvest losses.

He said the training started from how participants should prepare themselves; personal hygiene, fish identification, processing where value is added and packaging as a finish product.

Isihanua said this is what the training basically about and participants had achieved a lot from the training and ready to go into the business.

He said the participants expressed their glee for the privilege to undergo the training, which will help them in small business in their rural setting.

Isihanua said they thanked Malaita provincial fisheries office through MSSIF and WVSI for the training and look forward for more of such training.

He also thanked the participants from the two communities for time and efforts spent to be part of the training, which will impact their livelihood.

Isihanua said Malaita provincial fisheries office is keen to support the communities with the training, as part of their fisheries program for the province.

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