Rural community seeks knowledge on climate change



LUBAO community along the coast of South Vella la Vella Island is now feeling the effect of climate change.

Sea level rise is now affecting their freshwater catchment areas.

The community for many years had been using the stream as their water source for washing, cooking and swimming.

It has been the main supplement of water for families, however when high tide comes, their water source will be affected and there is nothing much the community can do.

The villagers last week told Island Sun Gizo that they depend very much on this water source as for long time they had been able to rely on it for their needs.

“We also need water for swimming, cooking and washing, but the current sea level rise affecting our water source. Many of these problem put pressure on our water resources, stresses that are likely to be exacerbated by climate change,” they said.

Villagers felt that purity of their water source has been affected by the rising sea level.

“As waves reach further in the water source and mixed with salt water,” they say.

Mothers are more concerned and worried for the next generation.

“What will happen next for the next 50 years-time,” they questioned.

The communities are now reserving their drinking water through water tanks.

The people there said they will appreciate any awareness program carried out for them to help them understand the issues of climate change.

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