PM declare war against NCDs


PRIME Minister Rick Hou says government is taking up this battle to fight Non-Communicable Disease.

He said from statistics gathered, there is an urgent need to address this killer disease.

“We have no option but to address it, if only to keep safe the majority of our population from prematurely being hospitalized or being amputated”, PM Hou said.

Hou said he is pleased that his office is jointly convening the first round table meeting with lead technical ministry and agency, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services and the World Health Organisation.

He said it will be worth noting that there are many ways to beat NCDs. He said, NCD’s like malaria, needs a whole of government and society to approach this disease.

“We must break down the ‘silos’ that separate us. We must work strategically and collaboratively. We must be informed by evidence and proven mechanisms to implement cooperative initiatives”, PM Hou said.

He said the time to act to prevent the epidemic has long gone. He said the time to act and confront and combat the epidemic starts today.

“Today we commence our journey to halt and reverse the NCD crises that is rampant and responsible for 70 percent of all our deaths in the country, PM Hou said.

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