Former councillor suggests financial report by-law

By Mike Puia

FORMER councillor of the Honiara Town Council- now Honiara City Council (HCC), Charles Lesimaoma, has appealed to the council to make it a by-law requiring all schools to have their financial report audited at the end of each year.

Mr Lesimaoma said this will allow schools to provide parents with reliable information at the beginning of each year.

The former member of the White River School’s Board of Management said all schools’ financial report should be audited before presented to parents.

Lesimaoma said parents should be fed with reliable information.

He said the council should introduce a law where all its schools should subject its financial report to an independent auditor for verification.

“Auditing financial report at the end of the year promotes good governance and accountability in schools,” Lesimaoma said.

He said during their meeting with teachers of White River School on Sunday many parents were not happy with the meeting.

Lesimaoma said the main reason is on the financial report because it has not been counter checked by anyone.

He said any cost associated with this suggested exercise should be footed by the council.

He added an audit will show, in detail, how fees and grants are used and how they improved the school’s physical and academic development.


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